
נקבה / 24 שנים / מזל עקרב

היא לא מקוונת עכשיו. הפעם האחרונה הייתה מזמן.

מתי היא תהיה מקוונת

מצא ילדה ברשת


שֵׁםValeskaJaxx (VomCarter-5)
Colombia, Medellin
אתניותלטיני / היספני
גודל חזהאסיתי
גודל התחתאסיתי
צבע שיערשחרחורת
צבע עינייםחום


I am an extremely passionate and sensual person, full of mystery, desire and lots of fun. I love exploring my sexuality and chatting with nice people here. I am a very open and permissive person, who loves being in front of the webcam and...


I am an extremely passionate and sensual person, full of mystery, desire and lots of fun. I love exploring my sexuality and chatting with nice people here. I am a very open and permissive person, who loves being in front of the webcam and going crazy with

I am an extremely passionate and sensual person, full of mystery, desire and lots of fun. I love exploring my sexuality and chatting with nice people here. I am a very open and permissive person, who loves being in front of the webcam and

אני אוהב

I love craft beer and a good Colombian coffee, I really enjoy it.I am currently studying law and political studies, I love meeting new people and venturing into unknown worlds.

אני לא אוהב

I don't like negativity, I'm trying my best to smile and make your day a little better while you're in my room, so please play and look on the bright side.

מה אתה יכול לראות בסרטון שלי