
נקבה / 22 שנים / ליאו / מקוון!

משך השידור, דקות 290

מספר האוננות המזעזעות 33


שֵׁםAlice_Rose (SweetLilith)
Wonderland, Sin City
אתניותלבן / קווקזי
גודל חזהאסיתי
גודל התחתבינוני
צבע שיערשחרחורת
צבע עינייםחום


My name is Lilith, I love to chat, dance and have fuunnn!


Hi! My name is Alice. I am an extremely passionate and sensual person, full of mystery, desire and lots of fun. I love exploring my sexuality and chatting with nice people here. I am a very open and permissive person, who loves

Hi! My name is Alice. I am an extremely passionate and sensual person, full of mystery, desire and lots of fun. I love exploring my sexuality and chatting with nice people here. I am a very open and permissive person, who...

Hi! My name is Alice. I am an extremely passionate and sensual person, full of mystery, desire and lots of fun. I love exploring my sexuality and chatting with nice people here. I am a very open and permissive person, who loves being in front of the

אני אוהב

Ask me and you will find out!


What makes me horny? ...hmmm well politeness, openness and honesty of the interlocutor, the ringing of tokens on the air, YOUR thoughts! I love offline tips & little gifts from Bonga shop, spoil me ....

Ask me and you will find out!

אני לא אוהב

I have a few rules, but they are very important for me. Please don't be rude Tip for request Be polite funny and interesting Don't beg me to show you something - it turns me off and get angry! If you like me, lets enjoy every minute together


Well I am repelled by those people who think that there is a free show, and they want to get everything for free. Also low intelligence, waste of time, animal instincts!

מה אתה יכול לראות בסרטון שלי